Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday is a special moment at First Church, when we begin the walking the journey with Jesus to the cross of Good Friday and the joy of Easter.  Our worship begins with a parade of palms and closes with the empty cross.  [ more ]

Maundy Thursday

On the Thursday evening following Palm Sunday, we hold a Maundy Thursday service at 7:00 p.m. This is a service of Communion, followed by the story of Jesus's last week and betrayal, with the extinguishing of light and the entrance into darkness. [ more ]

Good Friday

Our Good Friday worship service is held at noon on Good Friday, and is led by the young people of our congregation. [ more ]

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday is a celebration of Jesus' resurrection, with the sanctuary full of flowers, the darkness of the week before transformed into light and joy, with special music and the singing of the Hallelujah Chorus. [ more ]

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