New to Us - Have Questions?

Welcome! below are a list a questions that you may have about our church

Where do I park?

There is a small parking lot behind the church that we try to reserve for those who need to be closer to a door. Parking is on the street in front of the church, or in the town parking lot at Simpson Court across Center Street, or behind Town Hall off Prince Street.

How is the Handicap Access?

The church is handicapped accessible via a ramp in the front and an elevator from the lower level in the rear. The office area is accessible with the use of the elevator.

The church school classrooms for the younger grades are handicapped accessible; some of the classrooms for the upper grades are not.

There are hearing assistance devices available in the Sanctuary. If you need one, please ask one of the ushers or greeters to help you. We also have large print bulletins available for the services.

The ground floor of the Meetinghouse, where the Barnes Community Room where community meetings such as AA and NA are held, is also handicapped accessible.

What do people wear on Sundays?

Practically anything! Wear whatever makes you comfortable. Many people wear what might be called “business casual”, but it varies from shorts and flip flops to suit and tie, sundresses to sweater sets and skirts, jeans and T- shirts to button-downs and khakis, leggings to dresses. We care that you’re there, not what you wear.

Can I bring my coffee into the Sanctuary?

We prefer that you not. It is an old building with old pews, and there really isn’t a good level place to put your cup. There is a coffee hour immediately following the 10 am service, and we’re happy to have you join us!

Are children welcome in worship?

They certainly are! Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me; do not hinder them…” We are delighted to see children in church. At the 10 a.m. service, children sit with their families until they join the others during the Children’s Message; most depart for Church School immediately following. Your children are also welcome to remain with you for the entirety of the service. Infants may remain with their parents, or, if you prefer, nursery care is available.

What happens when I come to church?

You will be greeted at the door,  and an usher will give you a program, which we call a bulletin, and show you to a seat if you wish. Just prior to the worship, there are usually some announcements of upcoming events in the life of our church. Then the worship service will begin. There will be prayers and hymns where you may participate. Towards the end of the service, we pass the peace, and people will get up from their pews and greet others in their “neighborhood.”

How long does a typical Sunday service last?

The 10:00 am service usually lasts about an hour. Communion is held the first Sunday of the month; then the service usually lasts until 11:15 am.

If there are Baptisms or special worship events, such as a Choral Sermon, then the service might run a little longer.

Is there a Coffee Hour?

Yes, there is a coffee hour following the 10 a.m. service. Please join us for coffee and conversation downstairs in Congregational Hall.

What is a Sacrament in the United Church of Christ?

Baptism is one of two sacraments practiced by our church; the Lord’s Supper, or Holy Communion, is the other. Sacraments are ritual actions in worship which, according to Scripture, were instituted by Jesus. In the sacraments of baptism and communion we ask the Holy Spirit to use water, bread, and grape juice to make visible the grace, forgiveness, and presence of God in Christ.

I don’t know much about the Bible. Will I be able to follow along?

Yes. Many people, even long-time members, sometimes feel that way. While there are Bible readings during the church service, the ministers make an effort to explain it, or include the stories as part of their message. There are Bibles in the pews if you want to read along as the passages are being read.

Is everyone really welcomed at your church?

We sure try! This church family affirms the full diversity of God’s creation and is an Open and Affirming congregation.  People of differing views, nationalities and ethnic backgrounds, and sexual orientation, without regard to worldly condition, are welcome here. We welcome people from all sorts of backgrounds and family structures: single, married, divorced, widowed, partnered, gay, straight. Some come from different faith backgrounds where they no longer felt accepted or comfortable. Some come from no faith tradition, but feel a spiritual need and a desire for community. Some come from families with multiple faith practices. Some grew up in the church but left for many years, and feel a little weird coming back. We join our denomination, the United Church of Christ, in saying “No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.”

Joining our church

We are happy if the day comes when you would like to join our faith family. We typically hold New Member orientation in the fall and spring. If you would like to learn about membership, please contact the church office or our minister.

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