Faith Formation at First Church -- Catch the Spirit!

Catch the Spirit!  It’s more than just the name we give the second Sunday after Labor Day, the start of our Church School year and the beginning of our faith formation program activities each year.  

Each September, as we welcome new families and welcome back returning ones, we give thanks for the variety of ways that the spirit is alive in our midst and the opportunities we have to share together as individuals and families.

We see and experience the spirit in the energy and enthusiasm of the children and youth in our Church School classes, children’s choirs and our active youth ministry.
Our Confirmation program for 9th grade and above, offers a year-long program of faith exploration with Sunday morning classes, mission projects, retreats, and special events.

Our programs for adults include Bible study and book study series, book discussion, and adult retreat opportunities.

We give thanks for the creative spirit and talent shared by Church School Superintendents, Church School teachers and teaching assistants, and volunteer youth leaders.  

Our all ages approach to faith formation reminds us that – when the spirit is alive in our midst - we are all learning and growing together. Catch the Spirit and keep the excitement vibrant and together we can learn, sing, share, build friendships and reach out in love.  

We hope you and your family will catch the spirit here every Sunday and during the week as well!

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