
Stewardship means “the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care.”  As people called be “good and faithful” servants and careful stewards of the world in which we live, we are also called to share our financial blessings.  

The Stewardship Committee conducts our annual spring pledge campaign to enlist financial support from our members and friends for the ongoing operations of our church and its missions.

What is a pledge?  A pledge is a commitment of financial support for the fiscal year, which runs from July 1 through June 30. It helps us plan our budget wisely.

Pledges are usually paid in weekly, monthly or quarterly installments, although some people make one annual gift, and some give regularly without pledging.  Some people just place money in the offering plate during Sunday worship.  Some people support the church through online giving.

In collaboration with other committees such as the Welcoming Committee and those involved in publicizing church activities to the entire Wallingford community, a goal of Stewardship is to increase awareness of our vibrant ministries and mission throughout the year.  We believe an informed membership becomes an engaged membership that becomes a more invested membership!

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