Youth Groups

Our church is enthusiastic to provide opportunities for education and faith formation for youth beyond a classroom setting.  Our mission is to teach Christian values and our faith in a fun, safe environment, and to encourage our young people to serve the wider community. 

Middle School Youth Group

Our Middle School Youth Group meets on Sundays from 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. and offers programs for youth in Grades 6, 7 and 8.

Bi-weekly programs are designed to keep this energetic group active while also engaging them in meaningful conversation about current events, spirituality, social challenges and what is new and exciting in their lives.  Sleepovers (aka Lock-Ins), games, field trips and more are woven into the program to keep it fun and interesting.

This age group responds well to an active, safe and supportive environment where respect is expected, fun is a high priority and serving others is encouraged.

We welcome new members to youth group all year long so come and check us out to see if this just might be something your middle school youth would really enjoy!

Senior High Youth Group

The Senior High Youth Group gathers on Sundays from 5:30-7:00 p.m. and is for youth in Grades 9-12.

Bi-weekly programs are designed to get this group to think about and discuss how Christianity could impact current events in our community and in the world at large.

High School is a challenging time for many and our goal is to provide a safe, respectful setting where meaningful conversation and sharing can take place. 

Sleepovers (aka Lock-ins) are favorite events along with retreats, Mission Trips, performing random acts of kindness around town and playing games in our beautiful church setting.

We are here to support our high school students as they embark on their own faith journey, and to encourage them to make a difference in the world through the sharing of time and talents. 

New members are always welcome and we encourage current members to bring new friends to expand our conversation and thinking.  Come check us out!

Our Youth Groups’ Outreach

Our church’s youth groups are involved in mission activities, which the congregation supports with funds to help pay for their annual mission trips,  as well as contributing to their winter effort of 26 Random Acts of Kindness, where youth brainstorm and commit many kind acts around town, in honor of the lives lost at Sandy Hook.  

The youth hold two Scavenger Hunts and work with members of Community and World Service to create holiday baskets—at Thanksgiving time, they collect food, and at Easter, they collect toys, coloring books, candy, school and health care supplies.

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