Mission Trip 2023 Celebrated

On Sunday, October 22, 2023, our youth and adults who participated in this year's mission trip to Hazlet, New Jersey, led worship and shared their stories and experiences.

The theme of this year's trip was "Forged", and the children were told about how that was a meaningful idea, and how God's love was always present with them.

They offered music, led prayer and scripture, and recounted how, even though they were anxious about the trip for different reasons, they came to make new friends, learn new skills, and enjoyed the blessings of service to others.

A washer was a symbol of being "forged", and offered to everyone in the congregation.

Following the service, there was an opportunity to see photos of the trip, and share conversation about what it meant to them. 

We give thanks to the youth and adults who participate in these mission trips, and celebrate their gifts of service to the larger world!

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