350th Anniversary Kick-Off Event

First Church's 350th Anniversary year was "kicked-off" with a wonderful evening of fellowship, food, music and a joyful spirit.

Approximately 130 church members and friends, faces familiar and new, gathered in Congregational Hall for a truly special night to begin our year's long commemoration of the 350th anniversary of our founding.  We started with a party!

People mingled and chatted, greeting old friends with smiles and hugs, and enjoyed some appetizers.

Settling into their seats, we were treated with a brief history of the church, introduced to descendents of the original founders who were in attendence, and recognized former ministers who had joined the celebration.  Of note was a special display of all the church buildings in our history, built by a church member and painted by one of our church school youth.

The spire from the church that served the congregation from 1825 to 1868 had been amazingly saved, and was on display.

Following a delicious catered dinner, the musical entertainment began, offered by members of our congregation.  They were fantastic!  There was a complete praise band, followed by different combinations of singers, offering a nice variety of songs, that most could sing along to.

Everyone participated in body percussion and we were treated to a fun rhythmic poem composed for the occasion.

The evening closed with a beautiful singing of Kumbayah, with everyone participating, and raising their lights to create a magical moment.

We give thanks to all who worked so hard to plan and execute this blessed and spirit-filled event, and to all who shared their musical and creative gifts.

And we give thanks to all who came before in the past 350 years who built this special community and remain as our cloud of witnesses.

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