Vision and Mission Implementation

It's Time for Implementation!

Jeremiah Project → Vision & Mission Statements → Implementation

The Vision and Mission statement that was affirmed on June 21, 2020 was the direct result of many in-depth, heartfelt conversations between Jeremiah group participants, group facilitators and the writers' group.

What has emerged is a Mission statement that outlines what we are being called to do as a congregation. Arising from our Core Values and Vision statement, our Mission statement is:
"We will foster spiritual growth, loving communication, and mutual care, thereby empowering us to confront issues that impact our community and the world including poverty, isolation, and exclusion."

We have now moved into the Implementation Phase of the Vision & Mission project, and we have assembled our Implementation Team. Co-chairs Erica Haddad and Lori Barron are thrilled to welcome the following members to the Team:  Jeanette Gross, Marsha Mather, Michele Tarantino, Kathleen Wallace, Bob Westervelt, Lorraine Westervelt, and Greg Whitehouse.

Together, we will be working towards these goals:
     To identify and implement initiatives, consistent with our Mission and guided by the Agile Church Health Check, that sustain and grow our church.
     To review our existing church structure and activities to ensure that they are aligned with our affirmed Vision & Mission Statement and lead us into the future.
     To initiate small scale projects consistent with our Mission that enliven, motivate and enrich our congregation and community.

What YOU can do:
     Watch for upcoming announcements regarding exciting initiatives in the life of our church.
     Watch for calls for volunteers for projects that will help support our Mission.
    Tell us about the skills, talents and training that you have and where they can be focused to fill your spirit, fulfill our Mission, and move our church forward into the future.

You may contact the Implementation Team at

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