Vision and Mission Implementation Team

"Called"--A Youth Musical

Sunday, February 25, 2024--For a wonderful and meaningful worship experience, our young (and young at heart!) people presented "Called," a musical by Mark Burroughs, which resulted in a special donation to the Wallingford Animal Shelter. [ more ]

Rev. Marilyn Kendrix, Guest Preacher for Social Justice

On Sunday, March 17, 2024, we were blessed to have the Rev. Marilyn Kendrix as our guest preacher.  She shared a meaningful, thought-provoking and inspiring message, guided by her call to social justice. [ more ]

Pancake Breakfast

Sunday, March 3, 2024--Since our traditional Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper was postponed due to stormy weather, the Faith Formation team offered a delicious pancake breakfast instead! [ more ]

The Joy of Christmas Fair 2023

The Joy of Christmas Fair, held on December 1 and 2, 2023, was an occasion full of laughter, great food, wonderful items to purchase, and yes, joy! [ more ]

A Special Guest

Sunday, November 5, 2023--As part of our Open and Affirming journey, the ONA Team invited a special guest, Rev. Shawn Fiedler, to preach and lead conversation following the 10:00 a.m. worship service.  [ more ]

An All Saints-Halloween Super Sunday

Sunday, October 29, 2023 was a special Sunday in the life of our church.  We honored the lives of our saints who have gone before during worship, and then the children celebrated Halloween at a party sponsored by our Christian education leaders.  In the meantime, preparations for our Christmas Fair on December 1 and 2 were underway. [ more ]

Mission Trip 2023 Celebrated

On Sunday, October 22, 2023, our youth and adults who participated in this year's mission trip to Hazlet, New Jersey, led worship and shared their stories and experiences. [ more ]

Catch the Spirit 2023

September 10, 2023--Catch the Spirit Sunday was full of the spirit of community, fellowship and excitement for the new program year! [ more ]

Unity in Faith Food Drive 2023

Congregations and houses of worship across Wallingford collaborated to hold a town-wide food drive benefiting Master's Manna on September 16, 2023. Over 3,107 pounds of all types of non-perishable foods were donated by the generous folks of Wallingford. Thank you to all who participated in this wonderful town-wide effort to help those in need! [ more ]

Scholarship Awards

Our church provides scholarships to members of our church family as they go off to higher education.  On June 4, 2023, the Scholarship Committee presented these awards.  [ more ]

The Ministries Team Model

At a special meeting on April 30, the congregation was presented with a Ministries Team model of church organizational structure and governance.  It's a new team-based model that will inspire, energize, and offer welcome to church members and all the friends of our congregation.
What's YOUR ministry?     What's YOUR calling?     What's YOUR passion? [ more ]

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