Board of Deacons

The Diaconate guides the spiritual life of our church. Deacons greet everyone who comes through our doors for services, offer welcome to newcomers, provide leadership in special worship services, assist with baptisms and confirmation, prepare and serve communion, and visit the sick and elderly. [ more ]

Board of Trustees

The Trustees manage our finances and prepare the annual budget. They invest and oversee all church funds. The Trustees are responsible for the maintenance and repair of all church property.

Board of Community and World Service

Community and World Service promotes mission giving, determines mission disbursements and estab-lishes and supports outreach programs and needs of the community.

Board of Christian Education

The Board of Christian Education is responsible for the implementation of our educational and faith formation programs. The Board works alongside the two volunteer Church School Co-Superintendents and oversees Church School, youth groups and youth worship, as well as adult Bible studies and other faith formation activities.

Board of the Family Life Center

This Board offers social activities and educational programs for the church. It participates in communi-ty committees and projects. The Family Life Center currently sponsors a Prayer Shawl ministry, Book Club and Scrapbooking Group. They also support an annual golf tournament and Relay for Life, as well as arranging group trips to plays, ball games and concerts.

Fair Committee

This Committee, made up of representatives from the various Boards and Committees, and overseen by volunteer co-chairpeople, is responsible for planning, decorating and overseeing the booths and activities of the annual Christmas Fair, a major fundraiser for the church and a Wallingford tradition.

Financial Review Committee

This Committee is responsible for the annually examination and reporting of the financial transaction of the Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Collectors and Board of Trustees.

Flower Committee

The Committee is responsible to procure flowers for worship services and also maintains the outside plantings. This Committee decorates the church for Easter and Christmas.

Hospitality Committee

This Committee offers receptions for funerals and other receptions as needed. They welcome volunteers to help bake, prepare and serve at these events.

Music Committee

The Music Committee supports the Minister of Music, and oversees worship music, musical performances, and use of the Music Room and musical instruments.

Nominating Committee

This committee recruits volunteers to act as officers and board and committee members. It prepares a slate of candidates to be presented at the Annual Meeting.

Pastoral Relations Committee

This Committee provides a confidential forum for the ministers to discuss concerns and to provide support.

Scholarship Committee

This committee conducts fundraising activities for scholarships awarded to involved youth members pursuing higher education. It reviews scholarship applications and selects appropriate recipients.  If you are interested in applying for a scholarship for 2019, please complete the Application Form by May 1, 2019. [ more ]

Stewardship Committee

The primary mission of the Stewardship Committee is to enlist financial support for the Church and its missions. The Committee conducts a fall campaign requesting an annual pledge from each church member. The pledge is the primary source of funding for the church's programs and outreach. A theme is chosen together with the ministers, and several solicitations are made outlining the im-portance of that financial support.

Ushering Committee

The Ushering Committee recruits ushers and supervises ushering for all regular and special services.

Welcoming Committee

As our congregation continues to grow, the Welcoming Committee provides information and outreach to visitors interested in knowing more about our religious philosophy, worship opportunities, Christian fellowship and community outreach.

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